Version 1-beta
Christoph C. Birk (birk AT carnegiescience DOT edu)
Location of this document:
2025-01-13: The code has been moved to GitHub
xterm> ./casca -c path
keyword = value
Keyword | Value | Default |
DATADIR | absolute path eg. /home/birk/DATA | $HOME |
COMPRESS | use FITS file compression ![]() |
0 |
SITE | site name (prefix for FITS files) | lc |
SITELONG | site longitude [deg] | -70.69284 |
SITELAT | site latitude [deg] | -29.01392 |
SITEL | site elevation (FITS only) | 2405 |
DETECTOR | detector model | from zwoserver/camera |
PIXSIZE | pixel size (FITS only) | 3.8 |
CCD-TEMP | CCD cooler setpoint [C] | -5 |
CCD-GAIN | gain setting | 0 |
CCD-OFFSET | offset setting | 10 |
WINDOW | window (subraster) geometry | |
BINNING | CCD binning | 1 |
NIGHT | start/stop sun elevation [deg] | -9 |
ZWOHOST | 'zwoserver' hostname (IP number) for night time observations | |
NFILTERS | number of used filters. Note: The 'n' in the following 4 keywords runs from {1..NFILTERS} | 0 (no filter wheel) |
FILTERNAMEn | one letter filter name for the FITS filename | X |
FILTERNUMBERn | position in filter wheel (0 based). | |
EXPTIME_DOWNn | exposure time [s] with filter 'n' and moon down. | 1 |
EXPTIME_UPn | exposure time [s] with filter 'n' and moon up. | 1 |
PERIOD | exposure sequence interval [s] | 60 |
BAADEHOST | hostname of the Baade TCS (not used if empty) | |
CLAYHOST | hostname of the Clay TCS (not used if empty) | |
DUPONTHOST | hostname of the DuPont TCS (not used if empty) | |
DIMMHOST | hostname of the C-DIMM (not used if empty) | |
DAYHOST | 'zwoserver' host name for daytime (color) observations. Note: The "filter" in the filename will be 'Y'. | |
DAY-GAIN | daytime CCD (color) gain setting | 0 |
DAY-OFFSET | daytime CCD (color) offset setting | 10 |
DAY-EXPTIME | daytime CCD (color) exposure time | 0.1 |
Christoph C. Birk, 2019-07-29, Carnegie Observatories