- DataPaths: opens a dialog that allows the user to
set the path for writing the FITS files.
- QuickLook Tool: opens the QuickLook Tool.
- Dewar Status: opens the Dewar Status window.
- Archon Hardhat: TODO
- File Number: enables (temporarily) the File number edit on the Camera GUI
- Note: Existing files will be overwritten without warning.
- Guider: opens the Guider Control windows.
- GalilHardhat: opens the Galil Hardhat window.
- Software Documentation: opens a web-browser with this document:
- "http://instrumentation.obs.carnegiescience.edu/Software/Henrietta"
The Henrietta-GUI will be used from multiple accounts and
it is desireable that certain settings are maintained between
account resets. I therefore keep these settings outside
the current user account in
General --
Camera --
- Observer: FITS header keyword OBSERVER.
- Engineering Mode: certain features (eg. Archon- and Galil-Hardhat)
of the Henrietta-GUI are potentially harmful to the instrument
and require the GUI to run in engineering mode
(password protected).
- Shutter Closed: sound after the shutter closes (before readout).
- Exposure Done: sound after the readout is done.
- Script Done: sound after a script has finished.
- If the the text in the edit-box is enclosed in single quotes ('),
it will be spoken using the default system voice; otherwise the
string will be interpreted as a sound file name and be played.
- Unless an absoulte path is given, the file is expected to reside in
the "/Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Henrietta" directory.
- Saturation Level: pixels above this level will be shown in red.
- Default Subraster: subraster geometry when adding a subraster
using the 'a' key on the display.
- Clear Display Before Redaout: clears (black) the display before
a new exposure is read out.
- Trim bias section from loaded FITS files:
This allows to display the bias sections (overscan and biaslines)
- in the
QuickLook tool for FITS files loaded from disk (not for data directly read
from the array).
Data Acquisition
Camera --
DataPaths --
Dewar Status --
Archon Hardhat --
QuickLook Tool
- ExpTime: sets the exposure time (1..8200 seconds)
- Loops: number of exposures per sequence.
- ExpType: sets the exposure type
- { Object, Focus, Bias, Dark, Flat }
- Readout: sets the readout mode
- { Full, Subraster }
- Binning: set the binning
- { 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, 2x2, 4x4 }
- Speed: sets the readout speed/gain combination
- fixed to Turbo
- Filter: moves the filter wheel to the selected filter
- Q: selects which quadrants should be saved to disk
- Object: OBJECT value in the FITS header.
- This field will be sampled at the beginning of the readout.
- Comment: COMMENT value in the FITS header.
- This field will be sampled at the beginning of the readout.
- The FITS record will be truncated to the first 26 characters.
- Start: starts a loop sequence of Loops exposures.
- Snap: takes a single exposure in 4x4 binning.
- After the exposure the previous settings are automatically restored.
- File: next file name number (ccdNNNN.fits)
- The number may be set using the
Camera--FileNumber menu.
- Pause: close the shutter and stop the exposure timer.
- Resume: open the shutter and re-start the exposure timer.
- Abort: aborts the current readout (frame will be lost).
- Stop: stops the current exposure, the shutter closes and
the readout will start immediately.
- Execute: executes the script file in the edit-box
to the right of the button.
- Disk(s): disk status
The FITS files will be written to both paths simultaneously.
Dewar Status
Displays the temperatures, heater currents and setpoints of the DSP
control loop.
- VacGauge: pressure reading from the GP-375 vacuum gauge.
- IonPump: pressure reading from the ion pump.
- { Off, On, Auto }
- The Auto mode turns the ion-pump ON if
- pressure below 1.2e-4 (from the GP375 vaccum gauge) and
- CCD temperature (2nd highest) below -100 [C]
- The Auto mode turns the ion-pump OFF if
- pressure above 1.8e-4 (from the GP375 vaccum gauge or
ion-pump sensor) or
- CCD temperature (2nd highest) above -95 [C]
QuickLook Tool
- Left mouse button: moves the Magnifier window.
- Right mouse button: adjusts the contrast and level of the color map
(SAOimage, DS9).
- Cursor keys: moves the Magnifier window by 1 pixel.
- If the 'shift', 'option' or 'command' keys are held down,
then the Magnifier moves by 5 (25, 125) pixels at a time.
- Color: sets color lookup table
- { Gray, BBdy, Rain, InvG }
- Stretch: sets the dynamic range of the scaling algorithm
- cuts: manual data range (edit-boxes at the top and bottom)
- med3: -3..+3 sigma around the background (median of frame)
- med5: -5..+3 sigma around the background
- 3/10: -3..+10 sigma around the background
- mima: full data range
- Scale: sets the scaling scope
- { Global, Chip }
- Pixel: The current cursor pixel coordinate
(center of the aperture and magnifier)
and pixel value at the cursor position.
- Min/Max: Minimum and maxium pixel value within the aperture.
- Ave/Sig: Average and standard deviation within the aperture.
- FWHM/Flux: FWHM and flux estimate
- Press the 'space' key while centered on a star to calculate
an estimated FWHM and flux.
- Magnification: Magnification factor of the Magnifier window.
- Radius: Sets the radius for the aperture statistics
(MinMax, AveSig above).
Galil Hardhat
- Engineering Mode only (password protected).
Instrument Software Documentation Index
Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories