MIKE-GUI Software Documentation (X11)

Location of this document: http://instrumentation.obs.carnegiescience.edu/Software/MIKE/mikegui2.html

Startup the MIKE-GUI by typing at an xterm:
mikegui [-h 14]
-h: font height (default=18)
Configuration Window
Main Window
Menu - File
Menu - Options
QuickLook Tool

Configuration Window

Observer: [edit] : observer's name
Camera: [menu] : {Blue,Red,Blue+Red}
Select one or both cameras.
[menu] : {online,simulator}
Overscan: number of overscan pixels at the end of the readout line.
Biaslines: number of bias lines after the CCD lines.
CCD-Host: hostname of computer that is running the 'CCDserver'
PLC: [menu] : {offline, online }
Telescope: [menu] : { Simulator,Baade_Mag_1,Clay_Mag_2 }
[menu] : telescope status { offline,online }
ADC-GUI Host: hostname of computer that is running the 'ADC-GUI'
If you leave the field empty, the MIKE-GUI will not query the ADC status.

Main Window

Menu - File

Reset/Color: reset the 'blue/red' mikeserver (reloads the DSP code).
Help: opens this web page.
Exit GUI: closes the MikeGUI.

Menu - Options

Observer: opens a dialog that allows to change the observer name (FITS keyword).
DataPath: opens a dialog that allows to change the path for the data (FITS) files.
Sounds: opens a dialog that allows to define sounds for certain events.
QLook/Color-Size: opens the QuickLook Tool.
DewarStatus/Color: opens a window that shows the dewar status
Voltages/Color: opens a dialog that allows to set the CCD voltages.
Slit-Position: opens a dialog that allows to manually move the slit position.


The are are 3 ways a sound may be defined:
1) string in quotes, eg "shutter closed" will speak those words.
2) filename (no quotes) will play the sound-file (absolute path).
3) empty will use the standard keyboard beep.


engineering only
Note: The voltages on the image above are not the actually used ones. They are for illustration only.

engineering only

QuickLook Tool

Instrument Software Documentation Index

April 2003, Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories