Location of this document:
Observing Procedures
(Carnegie Supernova Project II)
2024-12-12: The code has been moved to
v3.4.1 (2019-10-04)
- Fixed a bug in the Nyden motor controller code
(introduced in v3.4).
v3.4 (2019-06-12)
- Added the Gaia catalog to the SkyMap window.
- This requires the new StarCatalog format (/Users/Shared/StarCatalogs/).
- Fixed a bug in the QuickLook Tool when resizing the window.
- Deployment target macOS 10.13 (HighSierra).
Release Notes
Screen Shots and GUI Documentation
Setup --
Main Menu --
Preferences --
Data Acquisition --
Telescope --
Temperature Control
Setup Window
Please enter your name in the Observer edit window.
All components should be online.
- CoolDown button:
- Preset the check-marks for operation during dewar cool down
- Observing button:
- Preset the check-marks for regular observing (right)
The Hosts tab sets the TCP/IP hosts.
After pressing OK the RetroCam-Control
window will be opened.
Main Menu
RetroCam --
File --
Telescope --
Camera --
TempCon --
- About RetroCam: displays a window that shows the version
of the RetroCam-GUI.
- Preferences: opens the preferences
- Open ObjectList: opens a file-selector dialog
that allows to load an object list into the
ObjectList window.
- Save: saves the current object list.
- Show Logfiles: opens the RetroCam-GUI logfiles
in the Console.
- Show DataFolder: Opens the data path folder(s) in a
Finder window.
- Show AppSupport: Opens the Application Support folder in a
Finder window.
- Load Image: opens a file-selector dialog to load
a FITS file into the QuickLook tool.
- Load Sky: opens a file-selector dialog to load
a FITS file into sky-subtraction buffer of the
QuickLook tool.
- Airmass: opens the Airmass window.
- ObjectList: opens the Object List window.
- SkyMap: opens the SkyMap window.
- Clear Savepos: removes the green squares that mark
previous exposures from the SkyMap.
- DataPath: opens a dialog that allows the user to
set the path for writing the FITS files.
- QuickLook Tool: opens the QuickLook Tool.
- Set Current As Sky: sets the current images as sky-image used for
sky subtractions.
- Filter Move+: moves the filter wheel a small amount in the positive direction
- Filter Move-: moves the filter wheel a small amount in the negative direction
- Filter Center Detent: find the nearest detent and centers on it
- Reset Server: resets the (Win98) data server (IRcam server)
- Target: opens a dialog that allows to set
the Target temperature for the cooldown.
- Tuning: opens a dialog that allows to change
the LakeShoretemperature controller PID values.
- Show Graph: opens the temperature graph window
- GraphPars: opens a dialog that allows to change
the graph parameters
- RetroCam GUI: opens a web-browser with this document:
- "http://instrumentation.obs.carnegiescience.edu/Software/RetroCam"
- User Manual (LCO): opens a web-browser with the RetoCam user manual:
- "http://www.lco.cl/telescopes-information/irenee-du-pont/instruments/retrocam"
- Observer: value for the FITS-record OBSERVER
- Saturation Level: pixels values above this number will be
displayed in red
- Loop Done: text spoken after an exposure loop
- Macro Done: text spoken after a dither macro
- Single Step: popup a dialog box after each macro command
- Abort On Error: abort macros when an error occurs
- Show Macro Lines: show each macro line in the Messages
- Win98 Path: temporary storage path on the Win98 computer
Data Acquisition
Camera --
DataPaths --
Dither --
QuickLook Tool --
- ExpTime: sets the exposure time (3..999 seconds)
- ReadMode: sets the readout mode
- {Double, Quadruple, Sextuple, Octuple, Single, Bias, Reset}
- ObjType: sets the object type
- {test, standard, astro, tflat, sky, dark, dflat}
- Filter: moves the filer wheel to the selected filter
- {dk, Yc, Jo, Hc}
- Go: starts a loop sequence of Loops exposures
- Loops: number of exposures per sequence
- Object: OBJECT value in the FITS header
- Filename: name of the next FITS file
- File: macro scripts filename
- Dither: opens the dither-macro dialog
- Execute: executes the macro-script
- Pause: pauses the current macro-script (after the current command)
- Abort: aborts the current macro-script (after the current command)
- Disk(s): disk status
Data Path(s)
The FITS files will be written to both paths simultaneously.
Dither Macros
This dialog creates standard dither macro-scripts.
- Step: step size [arcsec] between exposure loops
- Pattern:
- {None, Dice-5, Rot-5, Square-9, Rot-9, Random-11}
- Guider:
- {None, Auto, Manual}
QuickLook Tool
- Magnifier (top right)
- Can be moved by holding down the left mouse button, or with
the cursor keys (up/down/left/right arrows).
- Pixel
- The current cursor pixel coordinate (center of the aperture and magnifier)
and pixel value at the cursor position.
- Min/Max
- Minimum and maxium pixel value within the aperture.
- Ave/Sig
- Average and standard deviation within the aperture.
- FWHM/Flux
- Press the key while centered on a star to calculate
an estimated FWHM and flux.
- Magnification
- Magnification factor of the Magnifier window.
- Radius
- Sets the radius for the aperture statistics
(MinMax, AveSig above).
Telescope Control
TeleGUI --
SkyMap --
Airmass --
- Get: Reads the telescope coordinates (alpha, delta, equinox)
and focus from the TCS (telescope control system).
- Note: It is recommended to press the Get
button before starting a macro to ensure proper
telescope pointing. This also updates the focus value
that is written to the FITS header.
- Send: Sends the coordinates in the Alpha and Delta
windows to the TCS.
- NE,N,NW,E,W,SE,S,SW: Moves the offsets from the
dx and dy windows.
- 0,0: Moves the negative offset from the
S(dx),S(dy) windows.
- Zero: Resets the offset-sums in the
S(dx),S(dy) windows to zero.
Displays the current view (red square) of the RetroCam array.
Shows a graph of the change in airmass at the current telescope position.
Object List
The object lists a ASCII files, formatted as one object per
line; each data field is seprarated by a '|' (pipe) character:
Name | 10:50:10.0 | -12:00:15.0 | 2000.0 | Comment
- Edit: opens a dialog that allows to change the properties
of the selected object.
- Add: opens a dialog that allows to add an object to the list.
- If the coordinates (alpha, delta, equinox) are left empty
they will default to the current TeleGUI coordinates.
- Remove: removes the selected object from the list.
- PreView: sets the coordinates in the TeleGUI
- and Airmass window to the selected object
(coordinates are not sent to the TCS).
- setObject: Sends the coordinates of the selected object to the TCS.
- If the equinox of the list object is different
from the equinox of the TeleGUI (TCS), then the coordinates
are precessed to the TCS equinox before they are sent.
Temperature Control (Cooldown only)
Instrument Software Documentation Index
Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories