CCD-Server Software Documentation
Location of this document:
2025-01-13: The code has been moved to
The CCD data acquisition software generally consists of two programs:
- low-level CCD-Server (eg. ldss3server, mikeserver, etc)
- Note: The 'ccdserver' is a 32-bit process due to the limitations
the the fiber interface driver.
- user-GUI (eg. ldss3gui, mikegui, etc)
The user-level instrument GUI runs on the observer workstation
and communicates with the CCD-Server using TCP/IP sockets.
The CCD-Server communicates with the DSP (digital signal
processor) over a special serial (fiber-optics) line.
It sends commands to the DSP, receives the data from the DSP
and stores it in memory for retrieval by the user level program.
This document describes the low-level CCD-Server software.
Since the CCD-Server software is very similar between
different instruments I will explain it using IMACS as
an example and then only point out important differences where
they exist.
Each dewar has one dedicated CCD-computer that runs one instance
of the CCD-Server program. The name of this program
depends on the actual instrument.
Instrument |
CCD-computer |
CCD-Server |
Location |
.s-file |
test system |
ccd01 |
ASB (gone?) |
formerly LDSS3 |
ccd02 |
reused for parts (?) |
| ccd03 |
mageserver |
Baade |
mage.s |
Mike (blue) |
ccd04 |
mikeserver -c blue |
Clay |
mike_blue.s |
Mike (red) |
ccd05 |
mikeserver -c red |
Clay |
mike_red.s |
M2FS (blue) |
ccd04 |
m2fserver -c blue |
Clay |
m2fs_blue4.s, m2fs_blue1.s |
M2FS (red) |
ccd05 |
m2fserver -c red |
Clay |
m2fs_red4.s, m2fs_red1.s |
spare |
ccd06 |
Baade |
IMACS-Mosaic3 (E2V) |
ccd07 |
imacserver -d3 (-f4) |
Baade |
imacs3.s |
IMACS-Mosaic2 (E2V) |
ccd08 |
imacserver -d2 (-f2) |
Baade |
imacs2.s |
spare |
ccd09 |
Clay |
Boller & Chivens |
ccd10 |
bncserver |
duPont |
bnc.s |
CAPS-Cam |
ccd10 |
capserver |
duPont |
caps.s |
Direct / Echelle / WFCCD |
ccd10 |
ccdserver |
duPont |
site2k-1{2}amp.s, wf4k-1{2}amp.s |
spare -- offline |
ccd11 |
duPont |
spare -- offline |
ccd12 |
ccdserver |
Swope |
4kx4k-4.s, 4kx4k-2.s |
4Kx4K |
ccd13 |
ccdserver |
Swope -- not located by GabrielP |
Guider/spare (?) -- offline |
ccd14 |
Swope |
Guider/spare (?) -- offline |
ccd15 |
Swope |
Each ccdXX computer has a developer (birk) account that
contains one or
more directories for the instruments that are supported
by this computer.
The instrument directory (eg. MIKE) constains a sub-directory
named 'src' that contains the source code and binary (executable)
for the CCD-Server.
To run the CCD-Server, login to the appropriate
ccdXX computer and change to the development directory;
eg. for MIKE, login to 'ccd04' and type
ccd04> cd /home/birk/MIKE/src
ccd04> ./mikeserver
to start Mike's CCD-Server program.
The CCD-Server programm up-loads the DSP-code (.s-file)
to the DSP. This .s-file (eg. mike_blue.s) resides in the 'src' directory.
The CCD-Server looks for this .s-file in three locations
(in order):
value of the source-environment variable (eg. 'MIKESRC')
value of the HOME-environment variable ('HOME')
in the current directory
When you are starting the CCD-Server program 'by hand'
the source-environment variable is usually not properly set.
Therefore I always create a link in $HOME to the various .s-files
on each ccdXX computer.
For regular operations, where the CCD-Server program
is started automatically
(by the ccdservd meta-server),
the startup-script defines the appropriate source-environment
CCD-Server GUI
The CCD-Server usually runs as a background program without
direct user access ('-X' switch) and is controlled by the
User-GUI via TCP/IP.
For tests it is possible to run it with a GUI as explained below.
- Syntax: imacserver [-h pixels] [-c color] [-X] [-o]
- -h : font height in pixels (eg. '-h 18' uses a height of 18)
- -X : no GUI (server) mode
- -o : offline (data simulator)
- -c : {2,4} selects f/2 or f/4 version (not yet implemented)
The GUI of the imacserver program looks like this:
1st group
- File : [menu] :
- Reset : reset the DSP and upload its code
- Help : show locations of the documentation in a dialog box
- Exit : close GUI
- Options : [menu] :
- DataPath : set data (save) path
- DewarStatus : open a
with CCD temperature(s) and dewar pressure
- CCD-Voltages: open a
to set the CCD bias- and clock-voltages
- Disk : [bar] : disk status
2nd group
- ExpTime
- [edit] : set exposure time (seconds)
- [output] : current time during exposure
- Loops
- [edit] : set (repeat) loop number
- [output] : current loop number
- ExpMode
- [menu] :
- Auto : open during exposure
- Dark : keep shutter closed
- [menu] : readout mode
- Full : full readout of selected chips
- Subraster : define subraster(s) for readout
- Binning
- [menu] : {1,2,3,4} readout binning factor for
rows and columns
- [icon] : chip selection
3rd group
- Start : [button] : start exposure (loop sequence)
- File# : [edit] : next filename number
- Pause : [button] : close shutter and pause exposure
- Abort : [button] : abort readout and dump data
- Shutter : [menu] : open/close shutter manually
4th group
- Gain : [menu] : select {high,low} gain
- CDST : [edit] : set pixel time
- ClkDir : [menu] : set readout direction {right,left}
5th group
- Message : [output] : server status messages
- Syntax: bncserver [-h pixels] [-X] [-o]
- There is no '-c' (color) switch.
Other controls are identical to IMACS
- Syntax: capserver [-h pixels] [-X] [-o]
- There is no '-c' (color) switch.
- ReadMode
- [menu] :
- FF-only : full-frame only
- GW-only : guide-window only
- FF+GW : full-frame and guide-window readout
- Shutter
- [menu] :
- dark : keep shutter closed
- used : open shutter during exposure
- GuideExp : [edit] : guide-window exposure time
- [output] : current guide-window time during exposure
- [output] : current guide-window exposure number
- GuideGuo : [edit] : guide-window geometry [x y w h]
- PixTime : [edit] : clocking parameter
- State : [output] : system state flags
- Hold_RLS : [edit] : clocking parameter
- Hold_RR : [edit] : clocking parameter
Other controls are identical to IMACS
- Syntax: ldss3server [-h pixels] [-c color] [-X] [-o]
- -c : {2,4} selects 2- or 4-output mode
Other controls are identical to IMACS
- Syntax: mageserver [-h pixels] [-c color] [-X] [-o]
- There is no '-c' (color) switch.
Other controls are identical to IMACS
The MagE Dewar-Status window displays a second temperature
sensor for the cryo-tiger cold head.
- Syntax: mikeserver [-h pixels] [-c color] [-X] [-o]
- -c : {red,blue} selects MIKE-red or MIKE-blue camera
- OpAmp : [menu] : select op-amp {A,B}
- Heater : [edit] : set heater value {1,200}
- Temp : [output] : show CCD-temperature
Other controls are identical to IMACS
- Syntax: pfserver [-h pixels] [-X] [-c #] [-o]
- -c : {red,blue} selects the color
Other controls are identical to IMACS
Meta-Server (ccdservd)
The ccdservd program is a 'meta-server' because it
is not directly part of the data-acquisition system, but it
starts the actual CCD-Server programs when it is requested
by any user-GUI.
Each telescope dome has several ccdXX computers. Each
of those computers can work as a backup for the others as long
as the appropriate software is installed.
Any user-GUI at startup tries to communicate with its
associated CCD-Server
(eg. mikegui with mikeserver).
When the CCD-Server is not responding the user-GUI
sends a startup-request to ccdservd.
The ccdservd program then shuts-down all other
(possibly) running CCD-Server programs and
executes the requested startup-script.
The following table has a list of locations and the
corresponding ccdXX computers and startup-scripts.
Location |
ccdXX computer(s) |
Instrument |
Startup-Script(s) |
Clay |
ccd04, ccd05, ccd09 |
~/MIKE/mike_red ,
~/MIKE/mike_blue |
Clay |
ccd04, ccd05, ccd09 |
M2FS |
~/M2FS/m2fs_R ,
~/M2FS/m2fs_B |
Clay |
ccd04, ccd05 |
LDSS3 (OCIW/retired) |
~/LDSS3/ldss3_server |
Baade |
ccd03 |
| ~/MAGE/mage_server |
Baade |
ccd03, ccd07, ccd08 |
~/IMACS/imacs_short |
duPont |
ccd10, ccd11 |
CAPS-Cam |
~/CAPS/caps_server |
duPont |
ccd10, ccd11 |
B&C |
~/BNC/bnc_server |
duPont |
ccd10, ccd11 |
Direct / Echelle / WFCCD |
~/CCD/ccd_server |
Swope |
ccd12, ccd13 |
4Kx4K |
~/CCD/ccd_server |
This is an example startup-script (ldss3_server):
./ldss3server -o -X >& /dev/null &
The ccdservd program itself is started by a
line in the /etc/rc.local script:
su birk -c /home/birk/CCDSERVD/
The '' scripts gets executed as user 'birk' and
starts the actual 'ccdservd' program:
./ccdservd >& /dev/null &
ccdservd utilizes a lock-file and an exclusive UDP
port to ensure that only one instance of it is running at
any given time.
Setting Up a New ccdXX Computer
- Install Fedora-8
- disable/stop all services that are not necessary
- ensure no crontab (or similar) jobs are scheduled (root)
- setup the firewall
- create ccdlab and birk accounts
- setup /etc/rc.local
Christoph C. Birk,
Carnegie Observatories (last updated: 2017-12-12)