Echelle GUI Documentation - RaspberryPi Server

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Connect to the rpiserver via "nc" (netcat or similar)
nc rpi 51204
  • All commands have to be terminated by a [LF] character (ASCII: 0x0a)
  • All responses will be terminated by a [LF]
    Command: version
    Returns the version string, eg. "v0.201"

    Command: shutdown
    Turns off the lamp, retracts the mirror and shuts down the RaspberryPi.

    Command: mirror [{in,out}]
    Moves the mirror to the "in" or "out" position.
    Without parameter it returns the current mirror status flags (direction, !forward, !reverse)

    Command: lamp {on,off}
    Turns the lamp "on" or "off".

    Command: aperture {plus,minus,stop}
    Moves or stops the aperture.

    Echelle Documentation
    Instrument Software Documentation

    Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories