TeleGUI/GMap Software Documentation - Release Notes
The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science
(Carnegie Observatories), Pasadena, CA
Location of this document:
Version History
v1.8.2 (2017-03-17)
- Fixed a bug in the logfile permissions.
v1.8.1 (2017-01-20)
- Interactions with the new instrument GUIs (macOS/Cocoa):
- The Object and Comment edit fields on the
instrument GUIs are
automatically filled with the values in the ObjectList
when the SendToTCS button is pressed.
- The SkyMap displays the position of each exposure
as a green rectangle the size of the CCD array.
v1.8 (2016-08-24)
- Added a window to control the FF-lamps (Main menu: View--FF_Lamps).
- Added controls to change the M2-Focus.
- Note: These features require that the M2-GUI is running
(typically on 'vinchuca').
v1.7 (2016-02-11)
- Added the WFCCD guider geometry.
- The WFCCD guider geometry had been "lost" since the
introduction of the TeleGUI
(replaced GMAP in 2011).
v1.6 (2015-03-09)
- Removed unused Swope code:
- The old Swope guider has been replaced by a new IMB
(2 guiders and 2 filter wheels).
- There is now a specialized Swope GUI
that controls both the IMB and the 4Kx4K
CCD camera.
- Added the Show AppSupport entry to the
File menu.
- The Application Support folder contains the
Objects directory.
- Cleaned up the code that handles the communication with
the TCS:
- I removed the MACS (DOS TCS) option and communicate
exclusively with the new Linux based TCS.
- The code now targets Mavericks (MacOS-X 10.9)
and is compiled as a 64-bit binary.
v1.5.2 (2014-04-28)
- Fixed crash at startup when the initial setup was read from an obsolete
preferences file.
v1.5.1 (2014-04-24)
- Fixed sign error in 'guider_imb.xml'.
v1.5 (2014-04-16)
- Read the cassegrain rotator position from the new TCS.
- The object lists are expected in
/Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/TeleGUI/Objects/ .
- The star catalogs (GSC,USNO,etc) are read from /Users/Shared/CATS/
- Use the 'UT' from the TCS to synchronize the GUI clock.
- Swope Guider: Park positions and limits are stored in the
Shared preferences.
- The logfile is written to /Users/Shared/Library/Logs/TeleGUI/ .
v1.4 (2013-10-15)
- Added the Swope TCS.
- Added the guider stage control window
at the Swope telescope.
- Note: The TCS has to be in On/old at the Swope telescope.
v1.3 (2013-08-12)
- Added a new feature that allows the cursor-keys to move the
telescope by a small amount.
- Each key stroke moves the telescope
the amount shown in the popup-menu.
This allows the observer to
guide manually.
- Note-1: The 'TeleGUI' window requires
the keyboard focus before it can move the telescope.
- Note-2: Multiple key strokes will be buffered and executed
together (sum-of-offsets) once the previous move has finished.
v1.2 (2013-05-23)
- Added proper motion to the object list.
- The following catalogs are now part of the TeleGUI
application and will be automatically installed at startup in the
~/Library/Application Support/TeleGUI/ directory:
- cset.objects: bright stars near the zenith
- persson.objects: IR standard stars
- twilight.objects: areas without any bright objects
- bs.objects: bright stars at various declinations (pointing model)
v1.1 (2013-04-26)
- Updated the TCS interface to use either the
new (Linux) TCS or the old (DOS/MACS) TCS.
- Note: Please select On/new unless there
is a problem with the new TCS.
v1.0 (2011-07-25)
- TeleGUI/GMAP software installed at the DuPont
- This is a MacOS-X port of the
(X11) software.
Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories