Location of this document:
If there is only one array, type
- MacOS: ipcrm -S 'key' (3rd column)
- Linux: ipcrm sem 'semid' (2nd column)
Linmot Controller Setup
To configure a new Linmot controller please follow these steps:
- Connect the IMACS-laptop's serial port to the new controller
- boot the laptop in Win2000 mode
- start the Linmot-Talk software
- Select the File->login menu
- Press [STOP] button in the control window
- Open the PARA(meter edit) window
All changes are immediately stored in the non-volatilve memory of
the controller.
The .txt files below only show the differences from the factory defaults.
Note: A '!' (exclamation point) means 'not set'.
For more detailed information please refer to the
Linmot User Manual.
Shutter Linmot Controller Setup
(the complete setup as PDF or
.cfg file)
The drive configurations are almost identical EXCEPT that drives
'B' and 'D' are moving (clearance checking) during initialization:
'A' and 'C' have check=0
'B' and 'D' have check=300
If the drives fail to initialize due to stickiness you may
try a larger value for the 'Maximal-Init-Current' (eg. 75%).
GISMO Linmot Controller Setup
Drive 'A' (external position sensor ) is currently not used.
Lantronix TCP/IP-Serial Converters
For information about the Lantronix TCP/IP-Serial converters please
have a look at:
Note: Setting up the Lantronix via TCP/IP requires
a cross-over ethernet cable and a computer that is set
to the same IP-network as the Lantronix device.
JackRabbit (Shutter) Code
This is the current version (0.92) of the JackRabbit
shutter controller program.
Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories (last updated: 2013-06-12)