PFS Meta Controller

  • Current


    Since Jun/06: The meta controller is run by the 'pfsgui' ...

    At Jun/05 13:30 [CDT]: PID: off
    At Jun/05 12:00 [CDT]: PFS-dewar beeing pumped - dewar heater is ON

    At Jun/04 21:00 [CDT]: switch back to F-PID
    PMT on/off
    At Jun/04 20:00 [CDT]: run meta control from 'pfsgui' (F-term only)

    At Jun/01 15:13 [CDT]: adjusted F-term, reset I-acc

    P=20.0, I=0.7 [1/h], D=5.0 [h], F=0.110+0.0380*(SetP-Tout)+"GTC"