RetroCam Software Documentation - Release Notes
The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science
(Carnegie Observatories), Pasadena, CA
Location of this document:
Version History
3.3 ,
3.2 ,
3.1 ,
2.1 ,
v3.3 (2017-03-20)
- The default data path is
- Open the data path(s) in a Finder window via the
File--Show DataFolder menu.
- Removed the "Cass. Encoder == fixed value" feature from the
Preferences panel.
- This feature allowed to enter the cassegrain rotator position
manually to avoid erratic encoder readings.
- Fixed a logfile permissions bug and made some other code improvements.
- Interaction with the M2-GUI:
- Read the FF-Lamp status and M2-Focus from the
M2-GUI running on vinchuca (iMac on TO console).
- These are written to the FITS header (keywords: FFLAMPS, M2FOCUS).
v3.2 (2015-03-16)
- 64-bit, Mavericks (10.9) deployment target.
- "AppSupport" menu (File)
- Opens the 'Application Support' folder in a Finder window.
- This folder contains the Macros and Objects directories.
- Removed File Number from the Preferences window.
- When the Preferences window was open during an exposure
and closed afterwards it reset the File Number.
- The File Number may now be changed on the Camera GUI
after selecting the Camera-FileNumber menu.
v3.1 (2014-06-10)
- FITS keyword "TELFOCUS" ("%.1f") replaces keyword "FOCUS".
- The Preferences window allows to
set the cassegrain rotator angle to a fixed value
(ie. ignoring the encoder readout).
- Note: A Cass.Enc. value of '180' corresponds to a
position angle of '0' (N-up, E-left).
v3.0 (2014-05-06)
- Automatically update the telescope position at the
beginning of every exposure loop.
- Insert 'RetroCam' into the default data path.
- Overwrite some FITS records created by the IRcamServer
- DATE (was fixed at the start of the GUI)
- DATE-OBS (relied on the Win98 PC clock)
- OBJECT (had sometimes stray characters)
- FILE (was fixed at '1' to avoid filling the Win98 disk)
v3-beta-0901 (2014-04-14)
- Fixed a bug that crashed the QuickLook tool when the
saturation level was updated (via the Preferences
pane) before any data was displayed.
v3-beta-0900 (2014-04-14)
- Added the saturation level to the QuickLook
tool (red pixels) and store that value in the
Shared Preferences.
- Removed the module keyword from the macro language
(ie. 'camera' and 'telescope').
v3-beta-0803 (2014-04-10)
- Store some of the Preferences in
- Store the .objects files in
/Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/RetroCam/
- This allows these files to "survive" an account Reset.
v3-beta-0707 (2014-04-03)
First Light of the new (macOS/Cocoa) GUI.
Windows-NT version (retired)
Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories