ZWO-Guider Computer Setup

The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science (Carnegie Observatories), Pasadena, CA

Christoph C. Birk (birk AT carnegiescience DOT edu)

Location of this document:

  • HowTo make a bootable USB drive
  • HowTo setup the Raspberry Pi
    Add the zwoserver as a systemd service
  • HowTo setup the NUC

    Bootable USB drive

    1. Startup "diskutil" (macOS)
      format USB drive as "MS-DOS (FAT)"
    2. Download the "CentOS" ISO ( )
      NUC: "DVD ISO" (4.6 GB)
    3. Create a bootable USB drive via Etcher ( )

    RaspberryPi-4 Setup

    Quad Core "Cortex A72", 1.5 GHz, 4 GB RAM (USB3, Gb-ethernet)
    more /proc/cpuinfo
    more /proc/meminfo
    more /proc/version
    MAC# arch cpuinfo meminfo Linux version Status
    e4:5f:01:5f:c4:02 aarch64 4 cores: rPi 4 Model B Rev 1.4 3882992 kB Linux 6.6.51+rpt-rpi-v8 (Debian) SBS (lab-pi-01)
    e4:5f:01:5f:c5:c2 aarch64 4 cores: rPi 4 Model B Rev 1.4 3883060 kB Linux 6.6.31+rpt-rpi-v8 (Debian) SBS (lab-pi-02)
    e4:5f:01:69:1f:b5 armv7l 4 cores: ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) 3931056 kB PiOS: 5.15.32-v7l+ LCO
    e4:5f:01:80:a5:13 armv7l 4 cores: ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) 3931056 kB PiOS: 5.15.32-v7l+ LCO
    dc:a6:32:88:00:c3 aarch64 4 cores: ARMV8 (BCM2835) 3885396 kB Linux-6.1.21-v8+ (Ubuntu) LCO/G2019
    dc:a6:32:88:01:c8 aarch64 4 cores: ARMV8 (BCM2835) 3885396 kB Linux-6.1.21-v8+ (Ubuntu) LCO/G2019
    e4:5f:01:7a:46:32 aarch64 4 cores: ARMV8 (BCM2835) 3884240 kB Linux-6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v8 (Debian) LCO/PFS
    d8:3a:dd:5b:4c:49 aarch64 4 cores: ARMV8 (BCM2835) 3884240 kB Linux-6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v8 (Debian) LCO/PFS
    e4:5f:01:8a:1e:44 aarch64 4 cores: ARMV8 (BCM2835) 3884240 kB Linux-6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v8 (Debian) LCO/PFS
    d8:3a:dd:7c:d8:22 aarch64 4 cores: ARMV8 (BCM2835) 3884240 kB Linux-6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v8 (Debian) SBS/MIKE
    e4:5f:01:7c:d8:c4 aarch64 4 cores: ARMV8 (BCM2835) 3884240 kB Linux-6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v8 (Debian) SBS/MIKE

    ASI294: 1 W (idle), 2.5 W (fan), 9.0 W (peak/cooling=55%), 6.0/8.0 W (stable running, dT=20/25 C)
    rpPi4: 2.5 W (idle) 4.8-5.6 W (under load)

    Temperature profile with rPi-board in box with heatsinks installed (vcgencmd measure_temp):
    Exposure [s] Frame-Rate [Hz] CPU [%] Temperature [C]
    idle 0 0 58
    2 0.5 4 59
    0.5 2 9 63
    0.2 5 19 67
    0.1 10 32 71
    0.05 13 (670 Mb/s) 72 76

    If the SD-card of the rPi does not have the OS (Noobs or PiOS) preinstalled, please go to
    and follow the instructions to install PiOS.
    Note: The 64-bit version has been successfully tested (2023-05-15, CCB) using the 'RaspberryPi Imager'. Note: If the RaspberryPiImager complains about an expired SSL certificate, then (on the rPi-software page) go to "See all download options" and download the desired PiOS version to your computer.
    Then select the "Use custom .img from your computer" option in the RaspberryPiImager.

    Setup Steps

    1. Setup the RaspberryPi
    2. Install the ZWO libraries
    3. Install the ZWO server

    1) Setup the RaspberryPi

    Some of these steps are not necessary if PiOS has been installed using the 'RaspberryPi Imager'.
    1. insert the microSD drive into its slot and connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse
    2. set username (pi) and password (xxxx4xx)
    3. find the MAC (eth0) address using the 'ifconfig' command --> local DHCP server
    4. 'raspi-config' allows to configure (network, start-up, etc) after the initial setup (eg. disable auto-login, enable SSH)
      or select Preferences-->RaspberryPiConfiguration from the Raspberry menu.
    5. edit .bashrc
      alias dir='ls -lF'
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

    2) Install the ZWO libraries

    1. download (to ~/Downloads) the ASI Linux & Mac SDK (on the Developer tab)
    2. install the ASI library - following the README.txt (Note: the camera should not be connected)
      tar xf ASI_linux_mac_SDK_V1.20.2.tar.bz2
      cd ASI_linux_mac_SDK_V1.20.2/lib
      32-bit: sudo cp ./armv7/ /usr/local/lib
      64-bit: sudo cp ./armv8/ /usr/local/lib
      sudo install asi.rules /lib/udev/rules.d
      connect camera to USB-3 port
      cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb
      should return 200
    3. download (to ~/Downloads) the EFW Linux & Mac SDK (on the Developer tab)
    4. install the EFW library - the filter wheel is not used with the guider but the 'zwoserver' needs it for CASCA
      tar xf EFW_linux_mac_SDK_V1.7.tar.bz2
      cd EFW_linux_mac_SDK_V1.7/lib
      32-bit: sudo cp ./armv7/ /usr/local/lib
      64-bit: sudo cp ./armv8/ /usr/local/lib
      sudo install efw.rules /lib/udev/rules.d
    5. setup the library links
      cd /usr/local/lib
      sudo ln -s
      sudo ln -s

    3) Install the ZWO server

    1. mkdir $HOME/ZWO; cd $HOME/ZWO and download the zwoserver.tar.gz source code
    2. build the 'zwoserver' executable (XXXX represents the build number, eg. 0033)
      tar xf zwoserverXXXX.tar.gz
      cd src-XXXX
      make zwoserver
    3. setup auto-starting 'zwoserver' at boot (systemd)
      create /home/pi/ (ensure 'zwoserver' is in the proper directory or create a link)
      chmod u+x
      sudo cp zwo.service /etc/systemd/system
      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
      sudo systemctl start zwo
      sudo systemctl status zwo
      sudo systemctl enable zwo
      verify that 'zwoserver' runs after a reboot of the RaspberryPi
  • max. transfer rate 13 Hz (1800x1800x2 bytes/frame) ~670 Mb/s
  • Heat dissipation: rPi+ZWO: 14 W (Andor+NUC: 32 W)

    NUC Setup

    nuc01..03: Dual Core (4 Threads) "Intel i5-7260U", 2.2 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, 13 (10) Watts
    nuc04..04: Quad Core (8 Threads) "Intel i5-8259U", 2.3 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, 10 (8) Watts


    1. Install CentOS-7 ("DVD")
      Povilas reports that the "ZwoGuider" has been tested under CentOS-6.7, Ubuntu-20.04 PiOS-5.15 and macOS-12.2 (M1).
    2. Update and install additional packages
    3. Install CXT (X11 Toolkit)
    4. Install ZWO-Guider software
    5. Integration into the Magellan Environment

    1) Install CentOS-7 (DVD-Distribution)

    1. Insert the bootable USB drive into the NUC, power it up and press "F10"
    2. Select USB
    3. Select Test this media & and install CentOS 7
    4. Select English (United States)
    5. Date & Time: Set the timezone "Los Angeles" or "Santiago" -- Network time "On"
    6. Installation Destination:
      Select "I would like to make additional space available" and
      Select "Delete All" if over-writing an existing installation.
    7. Software Selection: "Development Workstation" + "Development Tools" + "Platform Development"
    8. Network: "on", set hostname "nucXX"
    9. Click on "Begin Installation"
    10. Root: password XXXX4XX
    11. User: "andor", password: same as 'root' (+"Admin" privileges) TODO change user name
    12. After installation: reboot, remove USB
    First Login:
    1. Accept license
    2. Set hostname/network (if not done earlier)
    3. Set language: English
    4. Typing: English/US

    5. Disable Wi-Fi

    6. Disable Location Services
    7. Skip "Accounts Setup"

    2) Update and install additional packages

    I recommend waiting a few minutes before updating the system, because the "yumBackend" might be running for a while after the first startup.
    The Update is necessary because the default installation does not install the proper kernel sources. These are required to build the Andor driver.
    1. sudo yum update -y
    2. sudo yum install epel-release -y
    3. sudo yum groupinstall "MATE Desktop" -y
    4. logout and login

    5. Select the MATE desktop
    6. Delete the bottom Panel (rightClick--delete)
    7. Add "Window List" to the top Panel (rightClick--AddToPanel--WindowList)
    8. sudo yum install xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi -y

    3) Install CXT (X11 Toolkit)

    1. copy cxt.tar.gz into the directory $HOME
    2. tar xf cxt.tar.gz
    3. cd CXT
    4. make
    5. ln -s libcxt.a libcxt64.a

    4) Install ZWO-Guider

    1. copy zwoguider.tar.gz into the directory $HOME/ZWO
    2. tar xf zwoguider-vvvv.tar.gz
    3. cd src-vvvv
    4. make zwoguider
    5. cd $HOME
    6. ln -s ZWO/src-vvvv/zwoguider

    5) Integration into the Magellan Environment

    1. Update the DHCP server at LCO to provide an IP number to the new NUC.
      It is necssary to provide the same number each time the NUC boots, since some components of the Magellan control system (eg. TCSIS) rely on whitelists of IP numbers to enable access it their services.
    2. Update the whitelist at the TCSIS to allow the NUC to receive status information and send telescope offsets.

    2021-11-09, Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories