- Motorola DSP56303 based controller
- suitable for frame transfer CCD with two output amplifiers
- CCD clocking sequences derived from DSP code fragments
- parallel, serial and frame transfer clocks provided
- software programmable clock voltages and timing
- software selectable binning and subrasters
- software selectable signal processing gain and offsets
- time resolution of clocks 25 ns at 80 MHz
- two signal processing channels with 14-bit 1.25 µs
A/D converter per channel
- conversion rates of 500 kpix/sec/channel (2 µs per
- data transfer by serial interface [10 Mbps] to PCI interface
- integrated power supply (48 V DC input)
- four-layer double-sided surface mount circuit boards
- software selectable TE cooler current
- temperature monitoring
- source code and hardware schematics are available