TeleGUI/GMap Software Documentation

The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science (Carnegie Observatories), Pasadena, CA

Version 1.9

Christoph C. Birk (birk AT obs DOT carnegiescience DOT edu)

Location of this document:

GUI Documentation

User Manual at LCO (TODO: out-of-date)


2024-12-12: The code has been moved to GitHub

v1.9.1 (2019-05-30)
  • Deployment target macOS 10.13 (HighSierra).
  • v1.9 (2018-07-10)
  • Added the Gaia catalog.
  • Release Notes

    Screen Shots and GUI Documentation

    Configuration - Telescope Control and SkyMap - Object List - Airmass - FF-Lamps

    Configuration Window

    If the TCS computer is unavailable the software may be run in simulator (offline) mode. This might still be useful to find guide-star coordinates, maintain object lists or for training purposes.
    Select the 'Instrument' { Direct, WFCCD, Echelle, B&C, CAPSCAm, RetroCam } and 'CCD'. This defines the layout rectangle of the CCD view on the SkyMap window.
    If the M2-GUI is not running please select 'offline'.

    Telescope Control and SkyMap

    click on star:
    shows guider coordinates (x=2763, y=6028)
    control-click on star:
    transfers the absolute coordinates to the Telescope window. These may be sent to TCS by pressing the Send button.
    option-click on star:
    transfers the relative offset to the Sx,Sy edit-windows in the Telescope window. Pressing the 0,0 button will move the star to the center of the science array.

    Object List

    The object lists are ASCII files that are formatted by using a "LF" (line feed) character to separate each record (object). The individual fields are separated by a '|' (pipe) symbol.

    1) Name, R.A., Dec., equinox and an optional comment

    NameA | 12:00:00 | -30:00:00 | 2000.0 | comment
    NameB | 11:00:00 | -20:00:00 | 2000.0

    2) Name, R.A, Dec., Equinox, proper motion, and a mandatory comment delimiter ('|'), the comment itself is optional.
    The proper motion field consists of the motions in R.A. and Dec. [arcseconds/year] and an optional epoch.

    NameC | 10:00:00 | -10:00:00 | 2000.0 | +2.7 -3.5 2000.0 | comment
    NameC | 10:00:00 | -10:00:00 | 2000.0 | +2.7 -3.5 2000.0 | 
    NameC | 10:00:00 | -10:00:00 | 2000.0 | +2.7 -3.5 | comment
    If the epoch is omitted, the equinox of the coordinates is used instead.


    The Airmass window shows the current airmass (red dot) and its change over the next few hours.

    Flat Field Lamps

    Allows to remotely control the flat field lamps via the M2-GUI.

    2011-06-24, Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories