B&C Software

The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science (Carnegie Observatories), Pasadena, CA

v2.4 (deprecated)

Christoph C. Birk (birk AT obs DOT carnegiescience DOT edu)

Location of this document: http://instrumentation.obs.carnegiescience.edu/Software/BNC/bncgui.html

  • News
  • Screen Shots and Software Documentation

  • The official B&C User's Guide


    The B&C-GUI has been re-written as a native macOS/Cocoa GUI.

    v2.4.1 (2017-02-22)
    Release Notes

    Screen Shots and Software Documenation

    Configuration - B&C-GUI - DewarStatus - QuickLook

    Configuration Window

    Observer: [edit] : observer's name
    CCD: [menu] : {online,simulator}
    • simulator: for tests with no dewar
    • online: dewar electronics are connected and running
    Overscan: number of overscan pixels at the end of the readout line.
    Biaslines: number of bias lines after the CCD lines.
    CCD-Host: hostname of computer that is running the 'CCDserver'
    Mechanics: [menu] :
    • simulator: for tests with no instrument connected
    • online: B&C mechanics and electronics connected and running
    Telescope: [menu] :
    • Simulator: TCS simulator
    • DuPont: duPont TCS
    [menu] : telescope status
    • online: TCS (or simulator) is running
    • offline: do not communicate with TCS

    B&C Camera/Instrument Window

    ExpTime: sets the exposure time (1..8200 seconds)
    Loops: number of exposures per sequence
    ExpType: sets the exposure type
    { Object, Bias, Dark, Flat }
    Readout: sets the readout mode
    { Full, Subraster }
    Binning: sets the binning for the X,Y directions
    { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
    Decker: move the Decker
    Prism: move the Prism
    Lamps: turn on/off the calibrations lamps.
    Object: OBJECT value in the FITS header
    Comment: COMMENT value in the FITS header
    Start: starts a loop sequence of Loops exposures
    Snap: takes a single exposure in 4x4 binning.
    After the exposure the previous settings are automatically restored
    File: next file name number (ccdNNNN.fits)
    Pause: close the shutter and stop the exposure timer
    Resume: open the shutter and re-start the exposure timer
    Abort: aborts the current readout (frame will be lost)
    Stop: stops the current exposure, the shutter closes and the readout will start immediately.
    Speed: sets the readout speed/gain combination
    Disk: disk status (fuller of the two disks)

    Dewar Status

    Displays the temperatures and heater currents of the DSP control loop.

    Quick-Look Tool

    Left mouse button: moves the Magnifier window.
    Right mouse button: adjusts the contrast and level of the color map (SAOimage, DS9).
    Cursor keys: moves the Magnifier window by 1 pixel.
    Holding down the Shift or Control key moves the magnifier by 5 pixels (25 for both).
    Color: sets color lookup table
    { Gray, BBdy, Rain, InvG }
    Stretch: sets the dynamic range of the scaling algorithm
  • cuts: manual data range (edit-boxes at the top and bottom)
  • med3: -3..+3 sigma around the background (median of frame)
  • med5: -5..+3 sigma around the background
  • 3/10: -3..+10 sigma around the background
  • mima: full data range
  • Scale: sets the scaling scope
    { Global, Chip }
    Mag: Magnification factor of the Magnifier window.
    Pixel: The current cursor pixel coordinate (center of the aperture and magnifier) and pixel value at the cursor position.
    Radius: Sets the radius for the aperture statistics (MinMax, AveSig above).
    min/max: Minimum and maxium pixel value within the aperture.
    mean/dev: Average and standard deviation within the aperture.
    flx,fwhm: flux and FWHM estimate
    Press the 'space' key while centered on a star to calculate an estimated FWHM and flux.

    2006-07-21, Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories