Direct-CCD GUI Documentation - Release Notes
Location of this document:
Version History
v1.5 and older
v2.0 (2019-02-25)
- Installed the official release version of the new Direct GUI.
v2-beta-0033 (2019-02-11)
- Enabled the Focus exposure type.
v2-beta-0032 (2019-01-31)
- Ported the Direct (ccdgui, X11) to macOS/Cocoa.
- The filters may be defined on the Configuration window.
- Added FITS records:
- FFLAMPS : flat field lamps from the M2-GUI.
- M2FOCUS : M2 focus from the M2-GUI.
- DATASEC, TRIMSEC : standard NOAO keywords.
- Changed FITS records: --- please let me know if this creates a problem ---
- SITELONG = -70.70384 (was -70.70387)
- Removed FITS records: --- please let me know if this creates a problem ---
- These keywords do not have any meaning in the context of the Direct-CCD instrument
and were only in the FITS header because the ccdgui is shared between
multiple instruments.
- Default data path is
- Open the data path(s) in a Finder window via the
File--Show_DataFolder menu.
- Interaction with the
- Read the FF-Lamp status and M2-Focus from the
M2-GUI running on vinchuca (iMac on TO console).
These are written to the FITS header (keywords: FFLAMPS, M2FOCUS).
- Interaction with the
- Please offset the M2-focus via the TeleGUI:
- The Object and Comment edit fields on the GUI are
automatically filled with the values in the ObjectList of the
TeleGUI when the SendToTCS button is pressed.
- The SkyMap displays the position of each exposure onto the SkyMap
as a green rectangle the size of the CCD array.
v1.5 and older
Christoph C. Birk, Carnegie Observatories