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FourStar Reduction - FSRED

Mar-28-2022 Now available in the Observatories Virtual Machine

Due to the increased security measures taken by Apple in the latest versions of MacOS (11.1+), FSRED can no longer be supported natively on Macs. Alternatively, you can install the Observatories Virtual Machine (VM), a self-contained Linux OS that can be run on intel-based MacOS, Windows, or Linux computers. For Macs with Apple silicon (M1) chips, we hope to have a solution in the near future.

For assistance with the VM or the pipeline, please contact Chris Burns.

Jun-20-2013 FSRED.tar.gz

(1.07GB) Full FSRED package including archival data and supplementary material. install by:

tar -xvf FSRED.tar.gz -C ~
cd ~/FSRED

where ~ can be any preferred directory.

Jun-20-2013 FSRED.bin.tar.gz

(16MB) Updates to FSRED scripts. install by:

tar -xvf FSRED.bin.tar.gz -C ~
cd ~/FSRED

where ~ is the same as above (if not the home directory).

This is a set of .csh scripts which call IRAF tasks by supplying IRAF "param" files. There are a few custom C programs which use the CFITSIO and GSL libraries to handle the high density data and multi-extension fits format. The scripts also make calls to SExtractor/SCAMP/SWARP for astrometric alignment and resampling purposes.


Jun-20-2013 - Introduced .config file to allow parameters to be set outside the main fsred.csh script. New template.csh and template.config files for reducing data on a night by night basis. Edit the template.csh file to the correct datapaths and dates/filters of the desired data. template.config contains typical default values but can be edited as needed.






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These Documentation pages are Design in Progress and content may change. Last updated: March 13, 2010

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